Parks & Points & Poetry 2020
We are delighted to host our fourth annual poetry series. Particularly this year, given the upheaval to our shared world, we felt fortunate to read a submission pool that, again, attests to the power of language to transport and uplift us. We are so appreciative to all who submitted their work—we always wish we could publish more than we are able to accept. This year’s series includes a great variety of sites, from rustic byways to arctic northern landscapes to national, state, and local parks that offer a chance to connect with both place and self. As always, we can think of no better way to capture the awe and transformation that public lands awaken than through a celebration of poetry.
This year, we are thrilled to feature poems by: Richard Blaustein, Jack Buck, Susan Melinda Dunlap, MFC Feeley, Andy Fogle, F.I. Goldhaber, Emily Hockaday, Jason Hockaday, Bruce McCandless, Annie and David Newcomer, Vanessa Ong, Carl "Papa" Palmer, Joan Lauri Poole, Sravani Singampalli, Virginia Chase Sutton, Marjorie Thomsen, JC Todd, Fiona Ritchie Walker, Pat West, Martin Willets, and Brian Wiora.
If viewing on your mobile phone, you may wish to rotate your phone to landscape mode to see the works formatted as the poets have intended.