Racing the Geese

(Lisbon, NH Clark’s Farm)

A precise V bisects my vision
and I gaze upward into a cloud,
a pale shaft of sunlight:
backdrop for an annual migration.

Distracted by driving, I glance:
corn stubble
withered vines
a bright flash of

I think of absence, of elsewhere,
of times gone by, and for a moment,
I am racing the geese.


Carlene M. Gadapee is a high school English teacher and part-time wordsmith in northern New Hampshire. She shares her small New England home with her husband, a bossy Chi-pin dog, and a few beehives. Carlen is a devoutly sports-addicted bibliophile and her work has been published in The Henniker Review, the Aurorean, Postcard Poems and Prose, the Northern New England Review, and Sojourn (UT-Dallas).

Main image courtesy the poet.